Legal Name: ProAmerican Educational And Cultural Exchange, Inc. Trade Name: P.E.A.C.E. Type or Corporation: Not-for-Profit Charitable, Educational Organization Place of Incorporation: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.............................................................Incorporated Oct. 1988 IRS 501(c)(3) Federal Non-Profit Status:.................................................Official Determination June, 1989 US Department of State/Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs...............Official Designation (formally USIA - April, 1990-2000) Schuylkill County Chamber of Commerce................................................Membership Since January, 1989 Christian Educators Association International...........................................Membership Since October, 1991 Pennsylvania Chamber of Business & Industry.........................................Membership Since November, 1992 Attorney: Richard Thornburg, 1 Norwegian Plaza, Pottsville, PA 17901 CPA: Robert B. Miler, Lemoyne, PA Founder/CEO: Richard S. Page, listed in WHO's WHO Among Outstanding Americans........Awarded: June 1994
PURPOSE: To exchange high school teenagers, who may be potential leaders in their countries as adults, between the United States and her neighbors in the Western Hemisphere, for either one school year, one semester or one quarter.
GOAL: To gain cultural understanding and bilingual fluency through a family living experience, while attending high school full-time. It is also hoped that this experience would begin an endless flow of two-way exchanges of many different family members, bonding the two families together as one--even for generations to come.
*40 Water Street, Suite 700 New Philadelphia, PA 17959* Phone: (800) 377-2232 Fax: (570) 277-0607